C (60/301)

From:Damir Arh
Date:25 Aug 99 at 15:06:06
Subject:Re: Array limits?

From: Damir Arh <damir.arh@guest.arnes.si>

Hello Fritsch

On 25-Avg-99, you wrote:

> If your buffer is a local variable then I guess its created on the
> stack.
> So increasing the stacksize might help. (Or compiling with "stack
> checking" turned to ON)
> But its always better to allocate such buffers dynamically.

Thank you for your explanation. I tried it out and that was indeed the
problem. I am allocating it dinamically and the problem is all sorted out
(I don't want to rely on the user for setting the stack size).


Damir Arh <damir.arh@guest.arnes.si>
WWW: http://www2.arnes.si/~gkrjes12/

Owner of A1200T/030 @ 50MHz, 32MB Fast RAM
and Intel Celeron 300A with 96 MB RAM and ATI Rage Pro AGP 4 MB

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
-- Albert Einstein